What Current And Former Military Personnel Should Know About SSDI Benefits

Disabilities can result in any adult being unable to work, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, and other facts. Whether you work in a professional, white-collar environment or you have a job that requires manual labor, you could develop an illness or suffer a serious injury that prevents you from working in any meaningful capacity. When a person does become disabled after years of steady work, that person will typically begin the process of applying for benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, which is administered through the Social Security Administration, or SSA. For current and former military personnel, eligibility for SSDI benefits can seem complicated.
Our Social Security disability lawyers want to provide you with information you will need to know when it comes to current and former military service and SSDI eligibility.
Active-Duty Service Members
If you are an active-duty member of the military but you have suffered an injury or been diagnosed with a disease that has resulted in a serious disability, can you be eligible to receive SSDI benefits? This question can be complex because members of the military are not always able to receive clear information about whether they are eligible for benefits if they are classified as active-duty military personnel but are not deployed. To be clear, you can be an active-duty member of the military without being deployed, and while you are an active-duty member of the US military, you may develop a disability that prevents your deployment. If it is possible that the condition may improve, the service member might maintain active-duty status even though the disability prevents deployment.
What does this type of situation mean for SSDI benefits? If you want to receive SSDI benefits, you must be able to show that you have a disability as the SSA defines it, and you must be able to prove that the disability prevents you from engaging in substantial gainful activity for at least one year. If you meet the SSA definition of having a disability, and as long as other work-related requirements have been met, you may be eligible for SSDI benefits even if you are still classified as an active-duty member of the military.
Military Benefits Will Not Prevent You from Receiving SSDI Benefits
For retired service members receiving a military pension, or anyone receiving VA disability benefits, it is important to know that these types of pay and benefits should not affect your ability to receive SSDI benefits.
You will need to meet the SSA’s definition of a disability and the other requirements, as we discussed above, but these forms of military-related pay should not prevent you from qualifying for SSDI benefits if you have sustained a disabling injury or developed a disabling condition.
Contact Our National SSDI Benefits Attorneys for Assistance
If you have questions or concerns about applying for or receiving SSDI benefits as a current or former service member, our national SSDI benefits lawyers can help. Do not hesitate to get in touch with our firm with any questions or inquiries you have about your eligibility for disability benefits. Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Barszcz today to speak with one of our attorneys.